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Healing Prayer Retreat

Come and Receive the Healing God has Waiting for You

Our Next Three Day Healing Retreat is June 23, 24, 25. Space will be limited. So, download the application and apply as soon as possible.

Image by Rod Long

Be restored in body, mind, and spirit as trained and experienced prayer ministers led by the Holy Spirit listen, love, and pray for you! Each retreatant is paired with two prayer ministers who are with them for the duration of the retreat. The prayer ministers are trained, experienced, Spirit-filled, and gifted in prayer. Everything discussed in prayer sessions is held in strict confidence.

Some of the problems and wounds people experience are too deep, or too pervasive, or too well hidden, or too numerous, to be dealt with through intercessory prayer, or even by a personal prayer appointment. Sometimes there are circumstances, habits, false beliefs, judgmental attitudes, unwise commitments, or other things that prevent people from receiving the healing they need. Sometimes people are unaware of, or have forgotten or repressed, the root causes of their problems, and it takes time to bring them to mind. Hope on The Way Ministries offers an Intensive Prayer Ministry Retreat to meet these needs. 


See our Upcoming Events page for retreats scheduled in the near future, or contact us if you have interest in attending a retreat.  Typically, space is limited. So, please contact us as soon as possible to make your reservation.


No Charge

“Freely you have received; freely give.” ( Matthew 10:8)


We don’t want anyone to be denied ministry because they can’t afford our fees. Therefore, the retreat and associated meals are offered without charge. Donations are our only source of funding; those who are able to donate generously enable us to minister to those who can’t. We pray that retreatants will be led by the Holy Spirit to support the ministry as they are able.  Since we have no expense for a fundraising organization, 100% of your donation goes to support our operation and ministry. 


Apply Now

Before attending a retreat, retreatants contact us by email or phone to register.  After this, they fill out the application and return it to us to help us prepare for their participation in the retreat. You can do this by email attachment, US Mail, or personal delivery. Your healing begins when you start filling it out, as you open up to the Holy Spirit. The application is quite detailed and personal. Rest assured that no one other than your assigned prayer ministers will ever see your application; we handle it with the strictest confidentiality. By completing the application, you help the prayer ministers to pray for and assist you, most especially as they listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit in how to pray for you.


Please contact us to Register, and then fill out the Application.  This application will be kept secure, confidential, will not be copied, and will be given back to you at the end of the retreat.

Contact us to Register or Receive More Information

We Offer a Three Day and One Day Retreat. We Recommend the Three Day Retreat as the Best Option, but also Offer The One Day Retreat for Those Unable to Attend the Full Three Day Retreat.

The Three Day Retreat

Three-Day Retreats begin on Friday at 6:30 pm and end by 10:30 pm. Saturday is 8:30 am and ends at 5:15 pm, and Sunday begins at 1:30 pm and wraps up around 6:00 p.m. Refreshments and snacks are offered on Friday and Sunday.  Breakfast and lunch are provided on Saturday. For those who come from out of the local area, there are motels and hotels near the retreat site.


Friday and Saturday open with a passage of Scripture, a brief message, and uplifting praise songs, which are followed by various sessions of teachings, times for reflection and journaling, and 60 to 90 minutes of individual prayer ministry after each session. The teachings are designed to lead retreatants in self-discovery to uncover issues that need healing, and their causes. The retreat ends with a Generational Healing Service with Holy Communion, sharing, and a blessing.  


We understand that there is a lot of very personal information on the application, but be reassured that it is held in strictest confidence; the only people that will ever read it are the two people that will be praying with you.  


Prepare your application well in advance and spend time praying about it in order to give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to bring things to mind.  


We accept applications in the order received and they must be received at least one week before the retreat. 


Do not to send the application to the church, but rather send it to the email address or postal address given on the first page of the application. 


During these retreats, we raise up for healing those things done by retreatants, or to them, or reflected upon them, in the past that have kept and are keeping them from living the healthy life that God intends for them. This includes such things as inherited traits, old vows made, curses, soul ties, false beliefs, and unholy judgments called bitter roots. We have seen that certain things in family lines and in events or exposures in the formative years can have an impact throughout life. The Holy Spirit would like to deliver us from the bondage of all these things.

The One Day Retreat

The One-Day Intensive Prayer Retreat is designed for those unable to attend a Three-Day Intensive Prayer Retreat.


 One-Day Retreats are held on a Saturday from 8:30 am and wrap up around 6:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch are provided.  The One Day Retreat is a condensed version of the Three Day Retreat. The talks are less comprehensive, there are three prayer sessions rather than six.


We understand  that there is a lot of very personal information on the application, but be reassured that it is held in strictest confidence; the only people that will ever read it are the two people that will be praying with you.  


Prepare your application well in advance and spend time praying about it in order to give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to bring things to mind.  


We accept applications in the order received and they must be received at least one week before the retreat.  


Do not to send the application to the church, but rather send it to the email address or postal address given on the first page of the application. 

Bible discussion group
Bible discussion group

 Biblical Principles
of Healing 

The Healing Retreats are characterized by biblically based teachings, times for reflection and journaling, and 60 to 90 minutes of individual prayer ministry. The teachings are designed to lead retreatants in self-discovery to uncover issues that need healing, and their causes. The retreat ends with a Generational Healing Service with Holy Communion, sharing, and a blessing.

Red Cross

Discovering the Roots
of Illness and Pain

During the retreat, we raise up for healing those things done by retreatants, or to them, or reflected upon them, in the past that have kept and are keeping them from living the healthy life that God intends for them. This includes such things as inherited traits, old vows made, curses, soul ties, false beliefs, and unholy judgments called bitter roots. We have seen that certain things in family lines and in events or exposures in the formative years can have an impact throughout life. The Holy Spirit would like to deliver us from the bondage of all these things.

Red Cross

Our Presiding Priest

Father Jon Aamodt serves as the presiding priest and pastoral overseer of our healing retreats. Fr. Jon is the founder of Hope on THE WAY Ministries and bishop of The Order of Missioners of The Holy Spirit: a Religious Order in full communion with The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC).  The CEEC is an Evangelical, Charismatic, and Sacramental worldwide Christian Communion. Click Here to learn more about Fr. Jon.

Who Should Come

Anyone who sincerely professes a biblically orthodox faith in Jesus Christ and sincerely desires to follow Him as Lord and Savior is welcome to attend. People who are not Christians, and desire healing prayer, are welcome to make a prayer appointment with Fr. Jon and/or a team of our trained prayer ministers.

Who Should Not Come

Because our prayer ministers are not trained to deal with psychological or psychiatric issues, it is our concern that they could, despite the best intentions, inadvertently aggravate existing problems, or even cause new ones. God can certainly heal psychological or psychiatric problems. We recommend that people with such problems consult a trained and licensed Christian psychologist or psychiatrist who can provide both prayer and professional medical treatment.

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